AL DAR MARINE provides specialist marine contracting and coastal protection services to developers, contractors, operators and government in the state of Qatar. Offering a complete turnkey solution, AL DAR MARINE 's services cover the full life cycle of a marine or coastal project from development and protection, marine infrastructure, to operation and maintenance. AL DAR MARINE uses its coastal and marine expertise to fully understand each unique marine environment, and its practical experience to design and construct a holistic solution, best suited to the environment and its specific clients' needs
ALDARMARINE covers the full spectrum of design and construction of marine facilities from marinas and jetties, quay walls, to piling for overwater restaurants and villas, to creation of artificial reefs.Al Dar Marine provides the latest generation of navigation buoys mainly made of PEHD which allow more durability and less maintenance operations.
AL DAR MARINE is specialized in the design, construction and maintenance of floating solutions for marinas and harbours, complete with all necessary facilities. A wide range of flexible and modular floating equipment is available with specific characteristics for each application and location.
In that vision, Al Dar Marine offers an integrated approach including Bathymetry, Seabed Mapping, identication of underwater obstructions and features, Environmental Baseline Studies, Historical Meteocean Studies to assess the extreme events, monitoring of currents tides and waves, monitoring of water quality and a large range of site surveys according to clients and projects needs
Building No.19 Street No.5
New Industrial Area, Doha, Qatar
+974 4486 2667, +974 4486 2303